The Thriving Together team publishes research widely to promote infant and early childhood mental health


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"Thriving Together brings decades of experience, insights, dedication and wisdom to its commitment to offer the highest quality consultation and evaluation services for agencies, programs and initiatives focused on child, family and community wellbeing."



Bartlett, J. D. (in preparation). Family engagement in mental health interventions for children who have experienced trauma In L. Nabors and J. D. Bartlett (Eds), Family engagement in mental health interventions for young children. Springer series on child and family development. New York: Springer Nature.

Nabors, L., & Bartlett, J. D. (Eds.; in preparation). Family engagement in mental health interventions for young children. Springer series on child and family development. New York: Springer Nature.

Bartlett, J. D., & Gooze, R. (2022, September). Tips to support family services staff wellness. Washington, DC: Office of Head Start, National Center for Parent, Family, and Community Engagement.

Bartlett, J. D., & Vivrette, R. (2022, September). Using the Relationship-Based Competencies (RBCs) to promote family well-being. Washington, DC: Office of Head Start, National Center for Parent, Family, and Community Engagement.

Bartlett, J. D., Halle, T., & Thomson, D. (2022). Promoting resilience in early childhood. In L. Nabors (Ed.), Resilient children: Nurturing positivity and well-being across development. Springer series on child and family studies (pp. 165-190). Editor-in-Chief: N. N. Singh. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Oppenheim, J. & Bartlett, J.D. (2022). Cost-effectiveness of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Treatment. Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Technical Assistance Center.

Oppenheim, J., Meek, S., Bartlett, J.D., Horen, N (2022). Using ARPA to Grow Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Systems: A State, Tribe, and Territory Decision Maker's Guide. The Children's Equity Project.

Bartlett, J. (2021). Trauma-informed practices in early childhood education. Zero to Three, 41(3), 24-34.

Bartlett, J. D., & Stratford, B. (2021, January). A national agenda for children’s mental health. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Murray, K., Bartlett, J. D., & Lent, M. (2021). The experience of children and families involved with the child welfare system. In Geffner, Vieth, Vaughan-Eden, Rosenbaum, Hamberger, & White (Eds.), Handbook of Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan. Springer.

Green, B. L., Ayoub, C., Bartlett, J. D., Furrer, C., Chazan Cohen, R., Buttita, K., Regalbuto, E. (2020). Pathways to prevention: Early Head Start Outcomes in the first three years lead to long-term reductions in child maltreatment. Children & Youth Services Review, 118.

Bartlett, J. D. (2020). Screening for childhood adversity: Contemporary challenges and recommendations. Adversity & Resilience Science, 1, 65–79.

Dominique, P. St. John, V., & Bartlett, J.D. (2020, June). Resources to support children’s emotional well-being amid anti-black racism, racial violence, and trauma. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Bartlett, J. D., & Vivrette (2020, April). Ways to promote children’s resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Bartlett, J. D., Griffin, J., & Thomson, D. (2020, March). Resources for supporting children’s well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bethesda, M: Child Trends.

Bartlett, J. D., & Smith, S. (2019). The role of early care and education in addressing early childhood trauma. American Journal of Community Psychology, 64(3-4), 359-372.

Halle, T., Banghart, P., Zaslow, M., Cook, M., Kane, M., Bartlett, J. D., Redd, Z., Bamdad, T., Cox, A., & Lloyd, C. M. (2019). Implementation lessons from six Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships. Early Education and Development, 30(8), 990-1008.

Paris, R., & Bartlett, J. D. (2019). Early childhood risk factors, prevention and intervention. In M. G. Vaughn, C. P. & Jackson, D., Salas-Wright (Ed.), Routledge International Handbook of Delinquency and Health. New York: Routledge.

Murphey, D., & Bartlett, J. D. (2019, July). Childhood adversity screenings are just one part of an effective policy response to childhood trauma. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Bartlett, J. D., & Steber, K. (2019, May). How to implement trauma-informed care to build resilience to childhood trauma. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Bartlett, J. D., & Sacks, V. (2019, April). Adverse childhood experiences are different than child trauma, and it’s critical to understand why. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Fraser, J. G., Noroña, C. R., Bartlett, J. D., Zhang, J., Spinazzola, J., Griffin, J. L., Montagna, C., Todd, M., Bodian, R., & Barto, B. (2019). Screening for trauma symptoms in child welfare-involved young children: Findings from a statewide trauma-informed care initiative. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 1-11.

Bartlett, J.D., & Steber, K. (2019, May). How to implement trauma-informed care to build resilience to childhood trauma. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Bartlett, J.D., Steber, K., Crowne, S.S., Berry, T., Aragon, L.T., & Sloper, M. (2019, January). Building protective and promotive factors in afterschool. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Bartlett, J. D. (2018). Lessons learned from an evaluation of a trauma-informed care initiative in child welfare. APSAC Advisor, 30(3), 15-19.

Green, B., Ayoub, C., Bartlett, J.D., Furrer, C., Cohen, R.C., Buttita, K., Von Ende, A., Koepp, A., Regalbuto, E., & Sanders, M. (2018). How Early Head Start prevents child maltreatment. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Berry, T., Aragon, L.T., & Sloper, M., Bartlett, J.D., & Steber, K. (2018). LA’s BEST: Protective factors afterschool project: Promising practices for building protective and promotive factors to support positive youth development in afterschool. White paper. Claremont, CA: Claremont Evaluation Center, University & Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Paschall, K., Halle, T., & Bartlett, J.D. (2018). Poverty rate rising among America’s youngest children, particularly infants of color. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Bartlett, J. D. & Ramos-Olazagasti, R. (2018). Supporting children and parents affected by the trauma of separation. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Bartlett, J. D., & Rushovich, B. (2018). Findings on the implementation of Trauma Systems Therapy Foster Care (TST-FC) in child welfare. Children & Youth Services Review, 91, 30-38.

Barto, B., Bartlett, J. D., Bodian, R., Noroña, C. R., Spinazzola, J., Griffin, J.L., Goldman-Fraser,

J., Montagna, C., & Todd, M. (2018). The impact of a statewide trauma-informed child welfare initiative on children’s permanency and maltreatment outcomes. Child Abuse & Neglect, 81, 149-160.

Bartlett, J. D. (2018). Abuse and neglect. In M.H. Bornstein (Ed.), SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Bartlett, J. D., Griffin, J. L., Spinazzola, J., Goldman-Fraser, J., Noroña, C. R., Bodian, R., Todd, M., Montagna, C., & Barto, B. (2018). The impact of a statewide trauma-informed care initiative in child welfare on the well-being of children and youth. Children & Youth Services Review, 84, 110-117.

Bartlett, J. D. (2018). Resources to help children in the wake of a school shooting. [Blog Post]. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Guzman, L, Ramos-Olazagasti, M., Miller, E., Bartlett, J. D. (2018). First-time parents' knowledge of early child development: Focus group report. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Bartlett, J. D, Guzman, L., & Ramos-Olazagasti, M. (2018, July). Parenting knowledge among first-time parents of young children: A research-to-practice brief. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Bartlett, J. D., Guzman, L., & Ramos-Olazagasti, M. (2018, September). 5 things to know about parents’ knowledge of parenting and early childhood development. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Green, B. L., Ayoub, C., Bartlett, J. D., Furrer, C., Chazan Cohen, R. Buttita, K., Sanders, M. B. (2017). Testing the efficacy of Early Head Start in preventing child maltreatment: A fifteen-year longitudinal study. Final report submitted to the Division of Violence Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Atlanta, GA.

Bartlett, J. D., Karberg, E., Bringewatt, E., Miller, E., Vega, C., & Huz, I. (2017). First-time parents' knowledge of infant and toddler development: A review of the literature. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Nugent, J. K., Bartlett, J. D., Von Ende, A., & Vallim, C. (2017). A randomized study of the effects of the Newborn Behavioral Observations (NBO) system on mother-infant interaction. Infants & Young Children, 427(4), 292-304.

Bartlett, J. D., Kotake, C., Fauth, R., & Easterbrooks, M. A. (2017). Intergenerational transmission of child abuse and neglect: Do maltreatment type, perpetrator, and substantiation status matter? Child Abuse & Neglect, 63, 84-94.

Bartlett, J. D. (2017). Resources to help children in the aftermath of a hurricane. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Bartlett, J. D. (2017). Five things to know about parental depression. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Bartlett, J. D., Smith, S., & Bringewatt, E. (2017). Helping young children who have experienced trauma: Policies and strategies for early care and education. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Bartlett, J. D., Smith, S., & Bringewatt, E. (2017). Early care and education can help young children overcome trauma. [Blog Post]. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Swartz, M. I., Bartlett, J. D., & Vele-Tabaddor, E. (2017). Strengths-based education and practice. In D.L. Couchenour & K. Chrisman (Eds.), SAGE encyclopedia of contemporary early childhood education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Bartlett, J. D., Moore, K. A., Wilson, A., & Redd, Z. (2017, March). Trauma-informed care supports early childhood development. Early Childhood Development, 5(2), 6. Office of Child Development, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

Moore, K. A., Murphey, D., Beltz, M., Martin, M. C., Bartlett, J., & Caal, S. (2016). Child wellbeing: Constructs to measure child well-being and risk and protective factors that affect the development of young children. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Bartlett, J. D., Moore, K. A., Wilson, A., & Redd, Z. (2016, April). Five ways trauma-informed care supports children's development. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Bartlett, J. D., Ayoub, C., Oppenheim, J., & Perry, D. (2015). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) expert convening on infant and early childhood mental health consultation. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Green, B. L., Ayoub, C., Bartlett, J. D., Furrer, C., Von Ende, A., Chazan Cohen, R., Ryan, B., & Klevens, J. (2015). It’s not as simple as it sounds. Problems and solutions in accessing and using administrative child welfare data for evaluating the impact of early childhood interventions. Children & Youth Services Review, 57, 40-49.

Bartlett, J. D. & Easterbrooks, M. A. (2015). The moderating effect of relationships on intergenerational risk for infant neglect by young mothers. Child Abuse & Neglect, 45, 21-34.

LaMonte, L., Gooze, R., Murphey, D., Halle, T., & Bartlett, J. (2015, October). Five things to know about mental wellness in early childhood. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.

Nugent, J. K., Bartlett, J. D., & Valim, C. (2014). The effects of an infant-focused family-centered hospital and home visiting intervention on reducing symptoms of postpartum maternal depression: A pilot study. Infants & Young Children, 27(4), 292-304.

Bartlett, J. D., Raskin, M., Kotake, C., Nearing, K., & Easterbrooks, M. A. (2014). An ecological analysis of infant neglect by young mothers. Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(4), 723-724.

Fraser, J. G., Griffin, J. L., Barto, B. L., Lo, C., Wenz-Gross, M., Spinazolla, J., Bodian, R., Nisenbaum, J. M., & Bartlett, J. D. (2014). Implementation of a workforce initiative to build trauma-informed child welfare practice and services: Findings from the Massachusetts Child Trauma Project. Children & Youth Services Review, 44, 233-242.

Chazan Cohen, R., Green, B. L., Ayoub, C., Bartlett, J. D., Von Ende, A., & Furrer, C. (2014). Research-to-practice brief: Promising evidence that Early Head Start can prevent child maltreatment. Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research, & Evaluation, Administration for Children & Families, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

Green, B. L., Ayoub, C., Bartlett, J. D., Von Ende, A., Furrer, C., Chazan-Cohen, R., Vallotton, C., & Klevens, J. (2014). The effect of Early Head Start on child welfare system involvement: A first look at longitudinal child maltreatment outcomes. Children & Youth Services Review, 42(1), 127-135.

Chazan Cohen, R., Green, B. L., Ayoub, C., Bartlett, J. D., Von Ende, A., & Furrer, C. (2014). Research-to-practice brief: Promising evidence that Early Head Start can prevent child maltreatment. Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Beardslee, W. R., Bartlett, J. D., & Ayoub, C. (2014). Tell Me A Story: A literacy-based intervention to help children, early care providers, and parents talk about difficult topics. Zero to Three, 34(6), 37-45.

Bartlett, J. D., & National Association of Social Workers - Massachusetts Chapter, Children and Youth Shared Interest Group (2014). Reducing parental depression and its impact on children. Focus, 41(8), 9-18.

Hornstein, J., Ayoub, C., & Bartlett, J. D. (2014). Family engagement and school readiness. Boston, MA: Office of Head Start National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement, Boston Children’s Hospital.

Ayoub, C. C., Bartlett, J. D., & Chazan Cohen, R. (2014). Early Head Start: Mental health, parenting, and impacts on children. In A. Reynolds, J. Temple, & A. Rolnick (Eds.), Health and education in early childhood: Predictors, interventions, and policies. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Ayoub, C. C., Bartlett, J. D., & Swartz, M. I. (2014). Parenting and early intervention: The impact on children’s social and emotional skill development. In S.H. Landry & C.L. Cooper (Eds.), Wellbeing: A complete reference guide: Wellbeing in children and families (Vol.1, pp. 179-210). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Easterbrooks, M. A., Bartlett, J. D., Raskin, M., Goldberg, J., Contreras, M. M., Kotake, C., & Jacobs, F. H. (2013). Limiting home visiting effects: Maternal depression as a moderator of child maltreatment. Pediatrics, 132(Suppl 2), S126-S133.

Bartlett, J. D., Ayoub, C. A., & Swartz, M. I. (2013). Measuring what matters: Using data to support family progress. An overview. Boston, MA: Office of Head Start National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement, Boston Children’s Hospital.

Green, B. L., Ayoub, C., Bartlett, J. D., Furrer, C., Von Ende, A., Cohen, R. C., Ryan, B. & Valloton, C. (2013). The Early Head Start Child Welfare Study: Results from a seven-site study of child welfare system involvement among national Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project participants. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention.

Bartlett, J. D., Ayoub, C., & Beardslee, W. (2013). Family well-being: A focus on parental depression. Boston, MA: Office of Head Start National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement, Boston Children’s Hospital.

Bartlett, J. D. & Easterbrooks, M. A. (2012). Links between a childhood history of abuse and child neglect by adolescent mothers. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(11), 2164-2169.

Easterbrooks, M. A., Jacobs, F. H., Bartlett, J. D., Goldberg, J., Contreras, M. M., Kotake, C., Raskin, M., & Chaudhuri, J. H. (2012). Initial findings from a randomized, controlled trial of Healthy Families Massachusetts: Early program impacts on young mothers’ parenting. Washington, DC: Pew Charitable Trusts.

Bartlett, J. D. & National Association of Social Workers, Massachusetts Chapter Shared Interest Group on Children and Youth (2012). Neglecting neglect no more: Increasing awareness of child neglect from a social work perspective. Focus, 39(6).

Easterbrooks, M. A., Bartlett, J. D., Beeghly, M., & Thompson, R. A. (2012). Social and emotional development in infancy. In R.M. Lerner, M.A. Easterbrooks, & J. Mistry (Eds.), Handbook of psychology: Developmental psychology (2nd ed., Vol. 6). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Easterbrooks, M. A., Chaudhuri, J. H., Bartlett, J. D., & Copeman, A. (2011). Resilience in parenting among young mothers: Family and ecological risks and opportunities. Children & Youth Services Review, 33(1), 42-50.

Dym, B., Tangvik, K., Gerena, J., & Bartlett, J. D. (2011). Youth led change. In F.T. Sherman, & F.H. Jacobs (Eds.), Juvenile justice: Advancing research, policy, and practice (pp. 391-408). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons.

Jacobs, F. H., Swartz, M. I., Bartlett, J. D., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2010). Placing relationships at the core of early care and education programs. In B. Lester & J. Sparrow (Eds.), Nurturing children and families: Building on the legacy of T. Berry Brazelton (341-352). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Easterbrooks, M. A., Driscoll, J. R., & Bartlett, J. D. (2008). Resilience in infancy: A relational approach. Research in Human Development, 5(3), 139-152.

Bartlett, J. D. (2007). Infant/early childhood mental health competencies at the state-level: A review of professional development research and practice. Natick, MA: Connected Beginnings Training Institute.

Bartlett, J. D., Waddoups, A. B., & Zimmerman, L. (2007). Training professionals to support the mental health of young children and their families: Lessons for Massachusetts from the national landscape. Natick, MA: Connected Beginnings Training Institute, Quebec, Canada.